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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » Scratch the email interview for food

Scratch the email interview for food

I got a reply which states that she is too busy for an interview online but gave me other places to look.

Sorry, didn't mean to confuse. this would be field research, and not
published. You'd have to talk with them - _www.thefoodproject.org_
(http://www.thefoodproject.org) . Food Desert  (did I really write dessert? yikes.)
is a newly
coined term to talk about where  it’s hard to get food in an urban environment.
The organizations that address  this are Added Value added-value.org, and
Just Food _www.justfood.org_ (http://www.justfood.org) . If you want more info on
 culture, you might try NYU Food Studies, if you can get a hold of their
published Masters’ theses. I suspect there is some research there.
Hope that helps.

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