On-line assignment for 9/4
Post a short response to these Questions:
O. What does Art mean?
1. What is your favorite art form?
2. What is your favorite historical period?
3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
5. How would you rate your writing skills?
Write a paragraph or a poem titled: “Self portrait” or post a photograph/image of yourself
You need an account!
In order to use all the features of this site, you need to obtain an account from me (Brooks). In addition to the email you’ve given me on your portrait of “the face of the other,” you should email me, so I can double-check the spelling of your email address.
Hello students!
Welcome to course website for Prof. Weinroth’s Fall 2008 Honors College seminar. The site is evolving at present, but check out what’s already available!