
Seminar 1: The Arts of New York
Prof. Orna Weinroth, Hunter College, CUNY
Fall 2008, Thursday 10:00 -12:30 Room 611 HN
Office hours: by appointment

Deciphering Cryptograms of Culture

Goals of the Course:
This seminar introduces you to the Arts in New York City. Our mission is to utilize visual and performing arts to explore our understanding of the world, and be able to incorporate the arts into our everyday lives.

We will explore the relations between techniques and theory in art, between historical events and artistic representation. We will try to understand why New York has become a cultural haven for the arts.  Our topics include: creativity and replication, iconography and symbolism, the face of the other, form and content, impression and knowledge, public and private art, changing technologies, and the new vocabulary for the arts.

Classroom attandence:
It is important to attend all classes.  If you know you will be absent in advance, please email me to let me know.  Our classroom will have three locations: On-line, in room 611HN and the events we will attend.  Be sure to either go on-line and check the last minute news board, or keep in touch with your peers to make sure that you know where the next leg of our adventure is taking place.  Sometimes we will take advantage of last minute tickets to a show or a lecture.

Our departure point is South Pacific; you will see the musical and will be sure to check the source list that is posted with the syllabus.  Scan through the class readings, viewing and listening assignments.  You are encouraged to discuss the class materials with your peers, but always write your own responses.

Reading: each week you will view and listen to the reading posted under the topic heading. Come prepared for the class discussion. Writing: you are required to post on-line reviews of the events you attend during the semester.  The group project: will vary according to the specific topics.
Expect your work to be presented on-line for discussion and comments from others. Our goal is to have an educational site; please use good judgment.  Brooks Hefner, our technology fellow, will aid us in creating a virtual classroom where you will be asked to post, interact with your peers, and upload your presentations.  His office hours in the Honors College at Hunter are 1-4 on Mondays and Fridays.

Your grade will be based on participation in the events, contribution to on-line discussions, and a semester group project.  This final project will be presented in class and can be a documentary film, a work of art, or a power point presentation on one of the topics.  For extra credit you may go to one of the optional events and post a review on-line.