© 2013 Grace Tsui

Day#12 Burgers, Class, Coffee, Dinner

The days are passing quickly, but even though I miss home, I don’t feel like going back so soon. It’s a different atmosphere here, but perhaps its the rain that seems to be pushing back a lot of plans. I woke up, did my readings and ate breakfast. Just on the web and studying or trying to study MCAT stuff again. I need to learn to be more independent! I need a big push! Haha, I don’t even know why I thought I could study those things during this short trip. People should teach in Korea if they have a chance, even if its just for a year!

For lunch, we had burgers in the basement of our dorm area because it was pouring outside. I had a BBQ onion burger and it was actually filling! Haha, for some reason, I always eat burgers really slow and manage to get the sauce all over my hands. It was really good though. I was craving some Thai/Malay food, but this satisfied my taste buds! We also shared some yummy cheese fries and then headed to class afterwards. We had assigned seats today in the Korean Cultural class, so we just sat and chilled before class started. Today’s excerpt was from the film Old Boy and I had actually watched that yesterday night and this morning, and it was just crazy. It was violent, gory, and just not for young eyes to see. However, there were a lot of concepts portrayed in the film, when it was dissected. I still wouldn’t recommend it! I always feel tired after eating, but the next stop was Korean class. It’s fun and I love learning languages. It’s hard to do things when you’re a premed major. I’ve lost a lot of things that I’ve loved like music and language, but I guess sacrifice is needed for certain things. Language class isn’t hard and it’s quite fun. I just can’t wait to learn something that I can use. We actually have homework! I will do it after this post, because I just finished another reading.

I had coffee with two girls at Caribou Cafe and it was so good. I really enjoy these relaxing moments, and the coffee I had was really good. It was called the Turtle Mocha, and it was like a mix of caramel and mocha coffee. We sat and talked for about two hours until we split up for dinner. One thing that I forgot to write about was the Asiana plane crash. Although I am not afraid, it does put worry in our minds, but that is not something we control. However, I do pray for the two casualties and their families as well as the injured. Pray for quick healing! Ahh so many bigger things in this world that we do not think about.

For dinner, we went to a close by place called Abiko and I had chicken curry. It was really good. It was pouring outside again. After two of us ate, we went to accompany the other girls at a restaurant called Strawberry. It was cheap and delicious, so maybe try that place again soon. Dunno what’s gonna happen, but midterms are soon and finals will come in a jiffy.


– Don’t procrastinate on homework and readings! There’s so much 🙁

-Try not to waste any time, since time is precious.

– Find indoor things to do during the rainy season.

Pictures aren’t much today, but here we go:


Turtle Mocha from Caribou Cafe.

my small but filling burger 🙂

Chicken Curry (Japanese) so good, but so full!

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