Professor Lee Quinby – Spring 2013

Category: Alannah Fehrenbach

Archive for the ‘Alannah Fehrenbach’ Category

Quicksilver Collides   For this film I was inspired by a concept we discussed in class when reading The Scarlett Letter. This was the dynamic of the power triangle in which two men (in The Scarlett Letter it is Chillingworth and Dimmesdale) are brought close together because of their obsession with a woman. In Quicksilver […]

Spectrum Shifting

Middlesex questions and attacks the notion of identity. It demonstrates how our sexual identity reaches far beyond so-called “orientation” and takes root in race, gender and family relations. The first half of the book closely follows the structure of a kinship alliance. Desdemona and Lefty demonstrate loyalty to their Greek heritage, perhaps Desdemona moreso than […]

Identity Crisis

“It has taken away my armor my shield/ But I hadn’t realized how strong I had become” Doc 4   A deadly epidemic has created both controversy and a stronger sense of identity. The AIDS epidemic caused a huge polarization among the gay community; there were those who became more courageous and those who grew […]

Any aspiring actresses???

Hey I am shooting a film this weekend and it definitely pertains to power dynamics in sexuality. However I am in a crunch and need a beautiful woman to play the jealous lover! The film is silent and will be short. I can send info to anyone interested 🙂

What’s wrong with showing childbirth in the movies?

A lot of the anxiety that seems to be surround the idea of going out with men in Article 2 in 1930 goes hand in hand with the pressure from society NOT to have sex. Was there no such thing as birth control? All those women who felt peer pressure to be both wild and […]

Lolita showing at the IFC tomorrow

Lolita Just so ya’ll know there is a Kubrick retrospective going on at the the IFC and they’re showing Lolita tomorrow (on Sunday)  

What was popular in Ancient Rome is no longer in vogue….

What gets me about this novel is how delicate and seductive Nabokov’s prose is. What makes the story of Humbert Humbert so compelling? The narrator describes himself as handsome, gentle and scholarly. He tries hard to win our favor by explaining his tragic love story with Annabel and by showing how hard he tried to […]


We are in the age of exhibitionism! Sex is an exciting product. It has market value! Who needs prostitution when you have the Internet? I found the cyber exhibit extremely entertaining. We are under the complete illusion that we can keep our sexual discourse somewhat private online. Even those amateur porn stars have this illusion […]

Hester the Anti-Hero

The Scarlett Letter presents a lot of radical ideas (although I do acknowledge that it was written in a more modern time so perhaps it is not as radical as I think it is) in the way that Hawthorne sympathizes the character of Hester and she becomes a martyr. “Here, she said to herself had […]

On Love and Relationships

This is a bit of a sidetrack from “sexuality” but hey, it’s all related. This is a teaching given by a famous Tibetan-Buddhist lama, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche who also happens to be a filmmaker! The video is long but if you have the time it is very entertaining and full of truth.