Sexy Chicas XOXO shout out art

Our New York City Tourist Guide

O, Superman-Laurie Anderson


When first passing by Laurie Andersons’ O Superman, I was initially attracted to it because it was the only video in the room. I thought that I was watching a music video at first, but after a few seconds I was not sure what I was seeing. I am still not so sure. The video is half sung and half spoken. Most of the video is simply the word “HA” repeated many times in order to create the background tune for just about the entire length of the video. The tone is very soothing and the vocals seem to have an electronic sound, created by some sort of machine. The visuals of the video, like the vocals are very simple, yet captivating. The first word that came to mind when viewing this video was “trippy.” I am not sure what message this video is trying to convey and to be honest; I am not totally convinced that Laurie Anderson knows what message she is trying to convey. It remains very open to interpretation.

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