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Kongo Power Figure


The Kongo Power Figure is an abstract force that represents law. The figure stand tall with its shoulders raised high exuding power in the body. The bent knees show a readiness to spring forward into action. This confident stance is meant to scare people so that they do not attempt to breach social norms. The face is expressive and alert. The eyes seem to be glaring at you, evoking fear. The headgear, or the Apu, is worn as a symbol of leadership. The figures filed teeth are a sign of civilized refinement. Not only the stance of the figure, the long nails sticking out strike fear as well. This figure was used in various rituals including healing the sick and communicating with the dead.  The ritual would be done by sticking nails into the figure, and pouring a potion into its center, each nail representing a vow taken.

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