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Rigoletto – Season Opener


Not only was Wednesday the Metropolitan Opera’s 2010-2011 season premiere of Rigoletto, but September 29th was also my first experience of watching an opera at the Met. The venue’s grandeur amazed me with its oversized sparkling chandelier hanging down in the lobby, vast auditorium, and overall elegance. I am happy to have had the chance to experience an internationally renowned performance from one of the world’s greatest opera houses in New York City.

My only previous encounter with opera was watching Turnadot by Giacomo Puccini and Carmen by Georges Bizet at the outdoor HD opera screening festival at Lincoln Center during the summer. Watching these different performances gave me a better understanding of what to anticipate and look forward to at the Met. My expectations were met, but not exceeded.  Yes, listening to one of the most famous songs, “La donne e mobile”, was a unique experience. The scenery on stage and costume designs made me appreciate the hard work needed to make this performance possible. The sheer talent of the cast was unbelievable. I questioned how the singers projected their voices across the entire theatre. It is hard to believe that they didn’t use microphones or other devices. Overall, I didn’t feel that the opera was powerful and moving but maybe it’d be better with surround sound capturing the audience.

The most interesting scene was when Monterone, an elderly nobleman, forces his way through the nobles grasp to curse Rigoletto. That scene is definitely stretched out but it is to show the intensity of that moment, which ends up foreshadowing what is going to happen.

My favorite part of Rigoletto was when Gilda sacrificed herself for her lover, the duke. Just like in Carmen and Turnadot, there is always someone willing to take their own life for love. This fantasy world where romantic love transcends rationality and human instincts is truly what makes opera so enjoyable.

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