Sexy Chicas XOXO shout out art

Our New York City Tourist Guide

A Happy New Yorker


(Helen Levitt. New York. 1981. Chromogenic color print (printed c. 2005). 18 x 11 15/16″ (45.7 x 30.4 cm).)

I was not interested in this photography before I read the title. The title said New York, and somehow I thought it fit with the photo perfectly even though one would imagine the peaceful photo like this would never be taken in the city. Helen levitt captures the very essence of New York City’s street life. New York is indeed a stressful city with a whole lot of traffic and pollution going on 24/7. However, with many parks and trees around, a person can always take time and relax in the middle of crazy chaos. And that’s what I love about New York: you actually appreciate and know how to enjoy the privacy and the short relax time.

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