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Likishi Dance Costume


Before I even came to realize the title of this piece, “Likishi Dance Costume Leggings,” I thought to myself, If I didn’t know any better, I would think this figure was dancing! After reading the title, I discovered that that in fact was what she was supposed to be depicting. This figure is wearing a dance costume that includes a mask. The mask is only a part of the costume, which also includes musical aspects such as the bells that are located on her boots. Even though men dance the ritual that this costume is used for, Mwana Pwo, the masks of the costumes almost always depict women. The man is believed to marry the figure when he pays for it with a copper ring. This is a sort of pact to ensure that the man will take care of the mask in exchange for the ability to perform using this mask. It was a great surprise that African culture incorporates dance so greatly, and that entertainment in the form of dance is such a great part of their culture. I wish that the costume was a bit more colorful in order to complement the stance of the figure. Possibly the movements of the man behind the costume are meant to outshine the costume itself.

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