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Our New York City Tourist Guide

Break of Noon.


Firstly, I was extremely disappointed that I had to leave early due to a situation at home.  This was definitely one of the best plays (probably one of the only ones) I have seen, yet it captured my attention within the first ten minutes, and kept me hooked for the time span that I was there.

The play starts out with John Smith being interviewed by the police officers after a massacre that occurred in the office where he worked.  Before the interview occurred, the theater room rumbled with the special effects, and the vibration from the special effects actually made it seem like the audience was where the incident took place.  Though there was no official police officer present, the interview seemed very legitimate, and John Smith did a good job representing a stunned witness.  Everyone else in his office was killed except for him, because of some sort of sign, which begins the rest of the play.

Later on, we find out that John snaps a picture of the murderer, and is at the office of his lawyer.  Though John talks about God as his savior, he later sells the photo, which really goes against religious views, or moral views.  He was profiting off something that could’ve easily helped the police.  From this point on, I knew that John’s life would be corrupted, because he would use the excuse of God to justify his reasoning.  It was inevitable that everything would go crashing.

Even though I did not watch the ending, I heard that it was very important to the whole play, and that it explained the whole play.  Since I wasn’t able to finish the play, I had to come up with my only conclusion.  Surprisingly, it wasn’t much different.  I knew something magical would have happened, which was John lifting off the ground at the end.

The environment of the play was great, because the audience was really engaged in the play.  There was just that one lady who had a really obnoxious laugh.  It was disappointing that she had to ruin certain scenes.  Also, the transitioning was extremely different.  The bright flash took me by surprise.  My reasoning for this was to wake up the audience, if they fell asleep!

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