Sexy Chicas XOXO shout out art

Our New York City Tourist Guide



The MOMA offers a very fun exhibit which they call the Sculpture Garden. This is an interesting way to combine art with nature and fresh air. This area has a wide array of benches where one can sit and relax and take in the art the museum has placed outside. Please note that the Sculpture Garden does close during inclement weather. The piece I have posted above is one that particularly caught my eye. I find it amazing that this piece can hold itself up on such a fine point and not fall over. It reminds me of how a bridge can hold itself up without any support in the middle. I almost feel as if I would like to knock this piece over because it is able to stand on its own so perfectly with such an unsteady base. This piece also reminds me of a sand timer, such as one that would be used in a kitchen. The MOMA is such an awesome museum because almost all of its pieces can be interpreted to fulfill all of an viewer’s desires.

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