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Our New York City Tourist Guide

21+ ONLY.


So what do people do after they eat in the Lower East Side? (Assuming they’re 21)! Of course! They go to the bars, and just hang around.  The Lower East Side has numerous bars that provide tons of entertainment.  Everytime I step out of my dormitory, located on 101 Ludlow Street, even on a Monday night, there are always people very happy hanging outside the bars.  Here are a few that I noticed had many different customers.  Though I can’t give specifics about each since I had not entered, I’m sure these bars are very popular.

1452 2nd Avenue New York, NY 10021-3008 – (212) 327-3043
Open Daily 12pm-4am

The color of the doors already attract customers.  The bright red color definitely stands out.  Also, this ‘medieval’ sort of theme just makes it seem even cooler!

137 Ludlow Street
New York, NY 10002
(212) 529-2153

Another bar, I thought the lettering of this place was pretty cool.  While I tried to look through the door, it was extremely dark, which probably provides a good bar environment.  I mean, doesn’t Libation sound cool? I’d definitely check this place out!

158 Ludlow Street
New York, NY 10002
(212) 505-3733

Open Daily 3pm-4am
When I first moved here, I was always wondering what kind of place this was.  This place would always be packed.  The first time I walked by, I thought it was actually a music store, until I saw the bouncers outside, and a huge line.  This place is definitely a great place to drink, and I know because I see how many people line up!

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