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Our New York City Tourist Guide

Interview with Miss Debra Beverly


Mrs. Debra Beverly prohibited us from taking pictures of the items being sold at the store nearest the American wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, so we decided to ask her a few questions instead.

Me: Which one of these products would you say sells the most?

Debra: People are constantly buying the Frank Lloyd Wright books. The tiffany scarves over there also sell very well.

Me: Are all of these watches Tiffany?

Debra: Yes, they are all watch designs from Lois Comfort Tiffany who is part of the famous Tiffany co. family.

Me: Is there any connection between the Tiffany art collection in the American section and this gift shop?

Debra: Of course, all of the jewelry you see here was inspired by the Tiffany stained glass window design.

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