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Our New York City Tourist Guide

Williamsburg Bridge


While visiting the Lower East Side, you should definitely visit the Williamsburg Bridge.  This magnificent bridge sits strong and connects the Lower East Side with Williamsburg, Brooklyn.  The pedestrian lanes contain two Bicycle lanes and two walking lanes.  The flamboyant red walkway stands out amidst the metallic colored bridge.
The bridge provides a great oppurtunity for runners and bikers.  The view is great of both the city, and you can even view other bridges from the Williamsburg bridge.

After walking halfway through the bridge, I noticed the sign in the middle.  It was supposed to say Williamsburg Bridge, but over the time, people have drawn over it with graffiti.  Though this may seem like it destroyed the art of the bridge, graffiti can still be considered art.  Each layer of graffiti was made by someone else trying to put their name out there.

By sundown, you can also get a beautiful view of the sun from the bridge.  I’d say this is a great place to relax when one is stressed.  Yes, it can be noisy due to the train and the cars, but you can still appreciate the city!

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