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Ke’s First Hockey Game – Blurb 2


(All pictures displayed in podcast are from online sources–they are not MINE)

With screaming fans honoring the red, white, and blue in teal and purple seats, foam fingers raised high in the air, the excitement added much needed warmth to the coliseum like arena. On September 18th, the New York Rangers were set to play a pre-season game against the Washington Capitals.  With pumping music matching the thumps of our heartbeats, the announcer welcomed all of us to Madison Square Garden. Next, a petite young girl bravely went out onto the ice and stood her ground. She opened her mouth and out poured the sweetest sound, singing the words of our national anthem. Enjoying my personal pizza and drink, I could not contain my excitement when the lights dimmed and the spotlights danced around the oval ice rink. The line-up for the Rangers were announced and from this little opening, out gushed a plethora of athletes, each gliding gracefully across the ice, turning the red, white, and blues of their uniform into a blur of colors. Though no announcement was made for the Washington Capitals, their black, red, and white uniforms added more color to the glistening rink. The game was intense, with no scores made in the first period. The crowd ooh-ed and ahh-ed when the small, black, puck made it close to the net. With only a minute left in the game, the Rangers were able to snatch a victory when the puck was accidentally shot into the net by one of the opposing players.  This was my first hockey game, and despite the brutal fighting and the chilly air, it was a game and night worth remembering.


1 Angela Wu { 10.06.09 at 8:18 pm }

I love the pictures and tune you used to describe your first hockey game!

2 sjiang { 10.06.09 at 11:43 pm }

Wow.. I love the way you told the story! The background music is very patriotic 😀