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Blurb 2: Humans aren’t the only ones who create the art.

I was always fascinated by all the various artworks and masterpieces in the many museums around New York City, and I never hesitated to go back to the same museum a second or third time around, but this week I wanted something different.  I headed to Prospect Park Zoo, completely skeptical if zoos would even be considered a place that displays art.  Of course this is when I remembered back to our first class when we pretty much classified everything as art.  Still, I was unconvinced but decided to check it out anyways.

I’ve been to Prospect Park Zoo many times before, on school trips and with my family.  It was always so hot and everything smelled like crap – I just remember dreading it.  This time, though, it seemed different.  I mean, it still smelt like cow excretion, but I started to notice things I never have before.  I thought, maybe they have really good zookeepers, but I began to figure that the animals created all this art on their own.  It was the way the meerkats ran circles around each other, almost as if they were putting on a show for us when in reality they were simply trying to have a good time; it was the magnificent snakes that seem to twist their bodies into positions I would never understand; and who could forget the beautiful cockatoos as they sing their lovely peaceful melodies?  All of the animals together seemed to open up my senses as they created a world filled with masterpieces through their normal everyday lives.