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MOCA – Museum of Chinese in America ( Blurb 2)


MOCA is a museum that shows the history of Chinese immigrants in America. It gives a brief Chinese history of when the foreigners came into China, and took it over; the goods that Chinese produced. The museum explains the suffering that the Chinese immigrants went through at different time periods such as the gold rush, WWII, and opium wars. The museum has an Internet room, list of famous Chinese people such as Yoyo Ma and Vera Wang, Chinese operas, clubs, restaurants, recipes, Chinese calligraphy, jobs Chinese people have such as washing clothes and building railroads, Chinese actors and books. In addition, they have films on journeys that Chinese people had gone through. The films usually mention the 1888 Chinese Exclusion Act and the paper person passport. There are also copies of magazines and articles that dealt with the sufferings of Chinese immigrants. There were also records, costumes, and a soldier’s outfit during WWII. Furthermore, the museum portrayed only one Chinese holiday, which is Chinese New Year. This holiday is the most important one in the Chinese culture, and represented new hope and a new beginning for the year. People are allowed to make wishes, and put it into a lion’s mouth. The museum does not only have photos and films like normal museums, it is very creative, and people are allowed to interact with the exhibitions. For example, one of the museum rooms has a typical Chinese home, and people could open the drawers, and see what are inside of them. All in all, the museum focused on all aspects of Chinese immigration sufferings, which includes stereotypes and being excluded from doing things because of their race.


1 wilsonjiang { 10.07.09 at 7:16 pm }

I liked your music. It fit well with the whole Chinese concept. Your podcast was very coherent and described all the parts of the museum thoroughly. The little captions helped to distinguish different pictures which was helpful.

2 sjiang { 10.07.09 at 10:49 pm }

wow.. I really like your podcast and the designs… Would you mind teaching me.. on how to make these artistic podcasts… ^^ thanks