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Museum of Chinese in America – Blurb 2


The Museum of Chinese in America or the MOCA features the history and stories of the Chinese culture. Inside, you can find a map of the world with red lines tracing the long treacherous journey that immigrants had to travel in order to gain freedom from oppression and live a better life. This re minded me how my mom had to live in Dominican Republic for a while before she gained access to the United States. The Chinese were discriminated against when trying to enter the United States. There were tedious processes that required mountains of paperwork and tests especially when the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882.

The Museum also gives aspects pertaining to World War II providing documentaries of soldiers in battle.  There is also a familiar picture of how other countries including Japan, Britain, and France wanted to divide China and get a piece for themselves.

Much of the Chinese culture is encompassed in the small rooms of the Museum. Here we have an abacus, which was used as a calculator by shifting the columns of beads, porcelain pottery with Chinese landscape paintings, a heavy iron and a block of soap, and herbal medicine which is remedial and can help regulate the body system. An important holiday is Chinese New Year. On this day, red envelopes are given out with good luck money inside. In addition, there are firecrackers and lion dances with a whole ensemble of gongs, cymbals, and drums.

On the walls, there are plaques that give brief descriptions of several Chinese people who have made important contributions and broke through barriers. For example, Elaine Chao was the first Chinese American to be a member of the President’s cabinet serving as the Secretary of Labor. Michelle Kwan is a magnificent ice skater and received many medals for accomplishments throughout her career. Bruce Lee is a martial artist who is many people’s hero because of his determination and strong will. Others include famed cellist Yo Yo Ma and American artist Maya Lin.

The Museum made me realize there is so much to the Chinese culture and I have only just touched upon the tip of the iceberg.