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Up on the hill, where the sun is beginning to set on the field. There’s a single face off, and the beauty begins. Lines form. The battle has just begun. Players are running, each in sync.  A blur of back and white hurling through the air, followed by players in green being chased by players in white. Their feet are moving faster than a stampede of horses. The players are running, battling, until they’re out of breath. Feet are dancing around the ball, like a ballet, protecting the ball, sheltering the ball from the opponent, and fighting for the ball. Each player is passing the ball from one to the next. Synchronizing movements with ease until a goal is scored. The goalie saves the ball. The crowd cheers. The structure is reset, and determination motivates the players to continue, to strive to score. A goal is scored, the crowd cheers. The captain at half field sees the game flash before his eyes. His teammate gives up, stops the chase. The ball is headed towards the goal with the opponent dancing around it eager to score. A red card is dropped; the opponent is on the ground. The game is saved. The captain took a fall for the team. Everyone sighed with relief.  Soccer.