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Matt Hires at the Highline Ballroom


“A Guitar, a Hat, but no Shoes”

Acoustic guitarists have the power to play entire concerts with only their guitar and voice. On October 7, 2009, the Highline Ballroom presented Matt Hires, The Myriad, and Tyrone Wells. Tyrone and Matt played the acoustic guitar without the need for any type of special sound effects, unlike The Myriad. However, Matt Hires left his mark on stage with just his guitar. The audience had the pleasure of listening to multiple performers, but he shined. His style and choice of songs certainly began the concert exuberantly.

I recently found who Matt Hires was through a friend in college. She invited me to the concert, and I am very thankful because he truly is a talented guitar player and singer. Matt Hires was simply opening up the show, but his performance was far from simple.

Matt came on stage at about 8, wearing skinny jeans, a collar shirt, a nice hat, but no shoes. It seems to be his unique style to come on stage with no shoes on. It might have made him more comfortable, considering the lights were off and the spotlight was on him. There were also purple and blue lights behind him, which made it seem like a club.

He started off singing about how I was so much brighter. He told me he wanted to sing me a song, and that I should let him. I should also let him look into my eyes, and not look away. He did not want to be left alone outside. He would try, and finished by telling me once more that I shine so much brighter. This was Matt Hires playing the song, “Honey, Let Me Sing You a Song.” I cannot say I am attracted to Matt or wish for him to dedicate a romantic song to me, but at the Highline Ballroom I felt like every song he sang was for me.

Matt Hires was at ease and after playing his first song: he introduced himself and mentioned that he was from Tampa, Florida. We could easily see how charismatic and easy going he was as he spoke to us. He then went on to play “Pick Me Up,” – a love song which asks the lover to pick him up because all he wants is to be with her. As he sang the words, “Pick me up,” his voice grew louder and more passionate.

I have seen other artists such as Sin Bandera play acoustic songs, but what I also liked was that Matt got the crowd involved. He asked the crowd to help him in whistling because the next song, “Out of the Dark,” required him to whistle in the beginning. It is a high pitched, very slow, and soothing whistle. He asked us to either hum or whistle along with him, and the audience mostly hummed. The song speaks of someone lost in a strange place; asking to escape it so that he can be next to someone else. It was great to feel a part of the show so the crowd continued to sing along with him. Specially the next song, “Perfect Day.” When asked what his perfect day would be Matt responded, “I don’t really have a perfect day, but I love the days when I start to write songs and I get in the zone.” He finished the song by thanking us for being there, talking about his new release called “Take us to the Start.” But before leaving us, he played one last song, “State Lines.”

“State Lines” was an amazing finish. His energy could be felt all over and he would do something different with his pick. During the chorus, he held the pick while strumming with his fingers.

He left the stage very quietly and went on to speak with some fans by the bar. It was impressive to see how the talented young man had not been affected by fame. He is not a super star, but he has the talent of one. Matt Hires did not need his band that night to keep the crowd entertained. The ballroom was filled with music made up of only his voice and the acoustic instrument. He left the crowd asking for more.

By the way, I could not have done this without Tiffany Wong. She’s pretty awesome.

1 comment

1 Juan Mendez { 10.25.09 at 3:27 am }

Just wanted to say that instead of pretty awesome, she is definitely awesome. Thank you for helping me post up my movie Tiffany.