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Don Quixote


On Wednesday November eleventh I attended the performance The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote: words and music from the Time of Cervantes, at the 92nd street Y Theater. The show stared the L.A. Quartet, one of America’s premier instrumental ensembles, and actor Phil proctor, a talented musical and linguistic performer. I enjoyed the performance a lot and it had the feeling of a bedtime story to it. It was both clever and funny. Proctor had narrated 3 different books (books 1, 2, and 3) all pertaining to Don Quixote’s adventures, acting the voices of every character. This to me was fantastic and brilliant such that a single person was able to narrate and voice every character. The story of Don Quixote had come alive through Phil proctor. I was so amazed and captivated by the actor reading the story that I almost completely forgot about the quartet. The performance was great and I feel that many little kids as well as those who have read the adventures of Don Quixote would truly enjoy this performance. Especially at the end of the performance when actor Phil Proctor came out in a costume, which I presumed to be the embodiment of Don Quixote was a brilliant touch. Both comical and clever, I couldn’t stop smiling. To me the ending reminded me of a Shakespeare poem in which he had given his lover immortality through his poem by writing about her.  In all I enjoyed the show very much despite the fact that I got home around 12:30 in the morning. Luckily my class for the next day started at 10:45. This was a great show and I truly enjoyed my time watching it.

1 comment

1 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 2:22 am }

Even though we already saw this show as a class, I’m down to see it again if anyone else is willing to join me please shoot me an email.