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Justin Koyithara: ESPN Zone


*Unfortunately most of the pictures are from the internet because i didnt go there thinking I was going to do my blurb on it.
**Background music is the ESPN Sportscenter theme song


1 Adam Hashemi { 12.07.09 at 1:04 am }

Justin, where’d you get the idea to use this as your blurb for?

2 ploew { 12.07.09 at 6:22 pm }

Hey Justin. I always go to Times Square and I always see the ESPN Zone but I never went there— partly because I am not a huge sports fan or sports player. However, the restaurant seems cool and the fact that you can see the TV from all angles is very interesting! My dad as well as avid sport players would love it!

3 sjiang { 12.17.09 at 9:59 pm }

Though I passed by the place so many times, I never thought we can go in… now I will check it out!