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Blurb #3 – LGBT film fest podcast

On Tuesday, November 11th, I attended a film festival of short, independent films put on by Brooklyn College’s LGBTA (the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Alliance). They were all queer/LGBT themed, but the topics varied greatly: platonic relationships turning into more, living with straight roommates, abuse, harassment, death, break-ups, or dealing with family who aren’t supportive of LGBT people. There were about twenty people there, mostly members of the club itself at school, and we sat in a relaxed atmosphere and watched the films, having a minute or two between each to discuss them briefly with the people around us. I loved this club event, because I never really have the opportunity to see short indie films on my own. Some were very clearly low-budget – either the sound was grainy, the filming unclear or acting below quality – but some were superb. Benny’s Gym was one that stands out to me. It was a foreign film with subtitles about two young schoolboys (maybe 12 or so). One is bullied because his classmates think he’s gay, and the boy who does most of the beatings becomes, in actuality, a close friend of his. The two must keep their friendship a secret, and the second boy keeps up appearances with his own friends by increasing the brutality of the harassment. It was really hard to watch, because the director didn’t sugar-coat anything or spare any feelings. Also, the fact that all of the beatings were filmed in a bleak, gray German forest during winter didn’t help much. I can’t wait to delve further into the genre of short-film in the future – this film-fest really showed me something new.

1 comment

1 jwinfield { 11.18.09 at 5:04 pm }

I love the background music! It really set the theme for the story that you were telling. Additionally, I have never attended a film festival before. After this podcast I would love to attend one.