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Creative Work 3: Oh How fast They Grow

For my creative work I was inspired by the most influential people in my life, my brother and sister: Josh and Micah. Before them I was an only child for 16 years, but since they were born I cannot even bare to think of life without them. It has been amazing watching them grow, for it seems like it was just yesterday that we brought home two tiny bundles of joy from the hospital. Oh how fast they have grown.

I would like to give a special thanks to Justin for his technical support! You’re the best!


1 Tiffany Wong { 11.25.09 at 5:25 pm }

You really do have the most adorable brother and sister. I like the way you ordered each picture, and the way you transitioned it into their first year. It really made them seem like they grew up a little too quickly. You almost seem to be as happy to have them as little siblings as they are lucky to have you as their older sister.

2 Ke Jiang { 11.25.09 at 7:47 pm }

OMG! I LOVE THIS! This is personal and cute and just plain amazing! I also like the background music, haha!

3 jwinfield { 11.25.09 at 8:02 pm }

THIS IS THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. I love your introduction to the video (the paragraph you wrote). It is amazing to watch siblings grow. You grow with them.

4 mkamenetskaya { 11.25.09 at 8:15 pm }

Thanks guys! I think its good because I enjoyed doing it so much. I could not ask for better inspiration! I completely agree with you Jordanna… I love what you said: “you grow with them.” That is so true, I could not have said it better myself.

5 Ariella Levian { 11.25.09 at 8:24 pm }

Masha this is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I was smiling the whole time, and it really warmed my heart. You put it all together flawlessly, and I hope one day you’ll show it to them and they’ll be grateful for having such a wonderful sister!

6 vivianlo { 11.26.09 at 12:00 am }

They are just too adorable!! Awesome job Masha!

7 Juan Mendez { 11.30.09 at 12:18 am }

I love the video and how it is produced by Mom. Great song choice as well!!

8 shussain { 12.04.09 at 6:31 pm }

Masha I absolutely loved this video! Your siblings are absolutely adorable. The way you delineated them growing and your family’s involvement in their lives was great. The occasional video clips between the pictures gave the video a whole new dimension.

9 Angela Wu { 12.06.09 at 1:10 am }

Josh and Micah are soooooooo cute!!!
and Micah is such a pretty name for a little girl! After watching your video and seeing your pictures, I remember also going through the same thing with my little brother and watching him grow– also thinking that it seems like yesterday when he was a baby in my arms.

10 Adam Hashemi { 12.07.09 at 1:00 am }

I;m going to sound like alot of people here but… Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! They’re so adorable!!!!!!

11 lhaviv { 12.13.09 at 12:40 am }

Cute is an understatement! Masha i am coming to your house just for them! I loved how the songs fit perfectly with your pictures and again I am sounding like a broken record but I cannot help it.

12 wilsonjiang { 12.15.09 at 9:56 pm }

I can imagine Jordanna going crazy over this video. The pictures that you used speak of an unbreakable bond that siblings share. Your song choice is so appropriate for this theme, too.

13 Justin Koyithara { 12.16.09 at 5:05 pm }

This video made me call my little brother at home and tell him I love him. It was so touching.

14 ploew { 12.16.09 at 8:36 pm }

When you spoke today (notecards in hand), I was very interested! When you showed us your siblings (twins), I could not help but laugh at times and smile because they are just so adorable! This video truly shows that your sibling were your inspiration and making this video was not very difficult because they are people you really care about!