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Creative Work 3: What Do Eye See



1 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 11.26.09 at 11:09 am }

Muhammad, you have to make your video public (instead of private) on YouTube so that we can watch it. There is a check box for this on YouTube, you’ll see it when you log in & go to your video.

2 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 11.26.09 at 11:33 am }

Oops I take that back, I was able to make it so that I could watch your video. Please disregard the last comment.

3 ploew { 11.28.09 at 12:36 am }

Muhammad, I would love to say I loved your opening because it FEATURED your first creative work! Also, I love the templates and the many photos you took, especially some of the city, some at night, some in the afternoon and various places around the city and your neighborhood!

4 Adam Hashemi { 12.07.09 at 12:59 am }

I love how your works are tied together around a clear-cut feature. Nice try at that pun attempt, Philip. Muhammad do you know what I see? Eye see a very good creative work here. (pun intended)