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CreativeWork3 – Teamwork


1 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 11.26.09 at 11:08 am }

Shelly, you have to make your video public (instead of private) so that we can play it. There is a check box for this on YouTube.

2 Tiffany Wong { 11.26.09 at 6:58 pm }

I like how you showed us different techniques; and I like how you started off with the practices/ warm ups and ended it with how you guys would end a game. This reminds me of my high school team. I wonder if you miss them as much as I do.

3 Jessica Lam { 11.26.09 at 11:46 pm }

So cool especially the tricks that you showed!! I want to learn to play now! The music really matches your topic. 🙂

4 ploew { 11.28.09 at 12:33 am }

First off, I love the Bon Jovi music in the background. Second, I always wanted to learn lacrosse. Lastly, I love your video. The music and the tricks you showed us made me want to learn myself too! Also, this really ties in well with the written piece about your coach and his famous phrase: “hey stupid.” By the way, the phrase was not meant to offend anyone!!!

5 lhaviv { 11.28.09 at 1:45 am }

I love the footage and the music. “It’s my life” by Bon Jovi is one of my all time favorites. You are really good at Lacrosse. If I tried this I don’t really think it would end well. Maybe you can teach me sometime=)) (p.s. bring a shield) haha

6 shussain { 12.04.09 at 6:38 pm }

I agree “Its my life” is one of my favorite songs its so inspirational and powerful! I loved how you showed all the components of lacrosse that are needed to make up a good game. You’re very talented!

7 Angela Wu { 12.06.09 at 1:09 am }

Your drills look like so much fun! Its cute how you were demonstrating your lacrosse moves outside in that little neighborhood.