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Ke’s Creative Work 3: Dreary Days


“Dreary Days”  (lyrics)

It’s been a little dreary out there
The sun refuse to shine through the clouds
And the whole world is cast in grays
But it’s important to have some faith

‘Cause the sun will come out
And the sky will clear up
The flowers will bloom
The birds will sing
Put on a smile now
And jump up and down now
‘Cause it’s a new day
Go out and have fun


1 Tiffany Wong { 11.25.09 at 5:30 pm }

Yes! I am so glad you decided to sing for this. Your voice is amazing and the lyrics are great. It’s one of those songs you CAN’T be sad while listening to.

2 Ariella Levian { 11.25.09 at 8:16 pm }

This made me so happy it was so adorable. You really have a beautiful voice Ke!!

3 Jessica Lam { 11.25.09 at 8:29 pm }

Wow!! I like the song a lot :), and you have a great voice!

4 ploew { 11.28.09 at 12:38 am }

Ke, this was both short and sweet! I loved the song, your change of lyrics and the pictures that follow. You should try for American Idol!

5 lhaviv { 11.28.09 at 2:36 am }

This was sooo nice!! i loved it!! your voice is great!! it’s soo calming and has a really nice color to it!! I loved the lyrics and It really made me smile!! =))

6 Juan Mendez { 11.30.09 at 2:16 am }

This was amazing!!! It made my day, and I now can’t wait to get up and have fun this week. Your voice is breath taking, and your lyrics are very soothing.

7 shussain { 12.04.09 at 6:25 pm }

Your voice is amazing! The whole song is soothing and peaceful. The optimistic theme reminded me not to get depressed even when things get bad, and too look forward to the next day. I also love Colbie Caillat!

8 Angela Wu { 12.06.09 at 1:11 am }

This is really adorable! Ke you sound like a little pondering girl. I like the picture also!