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Meyer Finding a Home


1 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 11.26.09 at 10:57 am }

Joseph, you have to make your video public so that we can see it. There is a check box for this on YouTube.

2 Joseph Han { 11.26.09 at 1:43 pm }

I’m sorry about that. I just assumed it would be public once I upload it. Sorry! It should work now.

3 Tiffany Wong { 11.26.09 at 1:48 pm }

YAY finally! Haha this is so adorable!!! I can definitely see the 10+ hours of effort put into making the set, mini-meyer, and the animations. Meyer looks like a monster compared to mini-meyer. hehe. I like it when he bows.

4 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 11.26.09 at 3:52 pm }

excellent, thank you.

5 sjiang { 11.26.09 at 6:15 pm }

Yes love it!! I love the background music. Totally fits in with the mood and stuff..!

6 Ke Jiang { 11.26.09 at 6:21 pm }

YAY! I finally get to see the whole thing. It was awesome, as to be expected. I love your choice of music for this video; the music really played a huge role in setting the mood in this story. I love Meyer the Hobo! 🙂

7 lhaviv { 11.27.09 at 6:08 pm }

This was so much fun to watch!!!!!!! I love the movements of Mini-Meyer and the scenery. The music fit perfectly. I had to watch it again when it was over and if you were able to see my facial expression you would probably see the widest and biggest smile you have ever seen. haha

8 ploew { 11.28.09 at 12:28 am }

After only seeing a glimpse/preview, I wanted to see more! I loved the upbeat tempo in the background and how you tied in Meyer from your first creative work. I was always wondering what happened to Meyer the Hobo too!

9 Anna-Sofiya Lupolover { 11.29.09 at 5:03 pm }

I loved Avenue Q, and I love Meyer. You should totally petition for him to be added to the show. The video is adorable. It totally reminds me of Preston’s search for a home.

10 Juan Mendez { 11.30.09 at 1:56 am }

Adorable!! I enjoyed it and I am glad Meyer the Hobo found a home.

11 Angela Wu { 12.06.09 at 1:05 am }

Oh Meyer, the adorable hobo. It was pretty funny when I found out that you had to make a miniature Meyer. Ps his orange slice looking mouth is really cute!

12 Fernando Lopez { 12.16.09 at 4:49 pm }

I enjoyed your video and i like how now big Meyer has a mini Meyer to mold into his own self image. I can see there resemblance.