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Creative Work 3

Watch the words and symbols that are in the video, they tell an abstract story.


1 Tiffany Wong { 12.01.09 at 10:02 pm }

Wow, I love this video. It is so creative and colorful- but more importantly, it gets the message across.

2 Juan Mendez { 12.04.09 at 5:22 am }

NO! Be yourself. Amazing video, and it has a message worthy of sharing.

3 jwinfield { 12.08.09 at 8:24 pm }

This is so so cool!!
How did you get the pictures to move the way you wanted them to?!

4 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 2:14 am }

Powerful video with great usage of creativity. We really got an insight into your personality from this creative work. I personally love to see (and create) works that express who we are

5 mkamenetskaya { 12.09.09 at 1:10 pm }

I love this sarah! It was such a creative idea. I am so amazed by it, its so original ! There is just something about it that really grasps the viewers attention; you just want to keep watching to see what word will be next !

6 lhaviv { 12.13.09 at 12:27 am }

Sarah!!! this is so clever I love it!!!! You really made me realize how words are actually an Art. I never really perceived it in that way up until now. I feel like a broken record if I say this is amazing so I will stick to one word: FABULOUS