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Skyscraper Museum


The Skyscraper Museum is located on 33 Battery Place. Their current exhibit is called China Prophecy: Shanghai. The museum basically focuses on the skyscrapers in Shanghai and compares it with the skyscrapers in the United States. In addition, the exhibit compares the views and vision of skyscrapers that Americans had during the 20th century, and how it was different compared to reality. The museum informs its visitors about the history of skyscrapers in both New York and Shanghai, and why they were created. It examined the structures, and shows all the skyscrapers located in shanghai in a timeline. The museum has films and photographs of both the present and the past of both cities and renderings of the complex structure of the skyscrapers. The exhibit explains that the speed of building skyscrapers in Shanghai is faster than NYC during the 20th century.” As the world’s largest city in 1930, New York boasted a population of nearly 7 million and some 200 skyscrapers –more than all other cities combined at that time. Today, as high-rises proliferate everywhere, Hong Kong holds the title with 7,200. Still   ascending, though, Shanghai is surely China’s prophecy of the urban future.”


1 jwinfield { 12.06.09 at 11:08 pm }

I love skyscrapers. Looking out at the Empire State building makes me very happy every night, especially seeing what color it is. Through the pictures you included in your podcast, the skyscrapers in China are gorgeous. I think they look more modern than the ones in New York City. Very well done!

2 ploew { 12.07.09 at 6:01 pm }

Skyscrapers are awesome! I really liked the Empire State Building as well as the previous World Trade Center. Each building is unique in their own way. I also liked how you included the original plan of skyscrapers in the 20th century compare to how they actually came out. Furthermore, the skyscrapers in Shanghai sounds fascinating and is somewhere I would like to go one day!

3 Tiffany Wong { 12.07.09 at 6:15 pm }

I didn’t even know this museum existed. I remember going to Shanghai a few years ago, and although the city was just as bright as NYC, it was definitely a change. Skyscrapers are truly an amazing addition to cities.

4 Juan Mendez { 12.08.09 at 5:07 am }

We live in a concrete jungle, and the museum clearly proves the statement. I personally find skyscrapers amazing, and have been telling myself for a while that I will visit the museum. Your podcast has simply made me determined to go before the year ends. Thanks.

5 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 2:11 am }

I just did a research paper on the Chrysler Building for English and learned about how it won the “race to the sky” in 1929. It’s designs were unprecedented, but unfortunately the Chrysler’s 15 minutes of fame ended 11 months later when the Empire State Building surpassed it as the tallest in the world.As much as I love the Empire State Building and the late World Trade Center, the Chrysler Building deserves more credit than it gets

6 wilsonjiang { 12.15.09 at 9:47 pm }

I never imagine there would be a skyscraper museum! Technology is advancing so rapidly that skyscrapers are being constructed like a regular house. Skyscrapers serve as a form of competition of who has the best technology. It also serves as a step closer to reaching the sky.