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Sunday Morning.

Blurb 4: Maroon 5 concert at St. John’s.


1 Adam Hashemi { 12.06.09 at 10:16 pm }

I’m upset that you didn;t let me know about this event. I love Maroon 5 and wished I could be there to see this in person. “Sunday Morning” is a song you may hear me singing when I’m in a good mood or just coming out of the shower.

2 ploew { 12.07.09 at 12:14 pm }

I love Maroon 5! At a young age, I have grown up with this band from “She Will Be Loved” to “This Love.” I wish I could have gone to see them in person also!

3 Juan Mendez { 12.07.09 at 6:41 pm }

Did they play “Sweetest Goodbye?” It’s one of my favorite songs. I’m also jealous and mad I was not invited.

4 Joseph Han { 12.09.09 at 12:20 am }

I AM SO JEALOUS…wait. No I’m not hahah because I went too and I totally saw you :D. But yea they were amazing. I couldn’t believe how genuine they were to their music. They sound the way the sound and it is not computers changing everything.

5 Savannah Gordon { 12.15.09 at 8:11 pm }

I’ve heard that of all the more recent pop-rock bands to become big on the scene, Maroon 5 is one of the best live bands. Often times it’s a total let down, cause they’re so heavily produced in the studio…but this just reinforces what I’ve heard before! Glad you had fun.