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Blurb 4- MoMA


The Museum of Modern Art, right in the heart of 5th Avenue, is a place that fuels creativity, ignites minds, and brings the artistic side out of all of is. In this museum lie somewhat permanent exhibits as well as special exhibitions. For the past as well as upcoming weeks, the museum features Claude Monet, displaying some of his most well-known and prominent pieces, The Water Lilies. Monet, one day looked upon his elaborate water lily pond and gardens and using that as his motivation, he began his more than now 40 large-scale panels between the years of 1915 and 1926. The first painting I saw was the The Japanese Footbridge which fueled Monet’s series of paintings of his pond at Giverny. Compared to his more naturalistic works in the past, this painting features a fiery palette of maroons, rusts, and oranges only unique to Monet. As I move around the museum, I could not help but see a large 3-panel piece of art. The most famous painting, a triptych has water lilies at the center, shimmering with reflections from the clouds overhead. The water surface fills the composition so that clues to the artist’s and the viewer’s vantage point are eliminated. In response to Monet’s request himself, these panels were installed at a slight angle in order to properly portray the piece.

Not only did I come to see Monet but the museum hosts an array of other artists such as Helen Frankenthaler and Morris Louis whose work are known for its vibrant colored swathes, pools, and rivulets of paint and open areas of raw canvas. In addition, I also made my rounds in the contemporary arts section in which art works were made from pencil and synthetic polymer paint along with packing tape and mailing labels on paper and a variety of other mediums. Other galleries include a music tribute section, as well as an outdoor sculpture garden. Though I am not an art guru myself, I cannot judge but can only admire and gaze at all the different forms of art around me. Each and every artist is unique and inspiring to someone. You too should come check out MoMA. In fact, for those Tim Burton fans out there, he too is an artist himself! His exhibition is coming up in couple of days as a matter of fact. Who knows, maybe your artistic side will get the best of you and you too will have your work displayed here one day.


1 Tiffany Wong { 12.07.09 at 5:57 pm }

I been to the contemporary section at MoMA also. It has many bright colors and it is very interesting. Also, your pictures of The Water Lilies make me want to see Monet’s paintings too. Lastly, the Tim Burton exhibit sounds fascinating. Great job Philip!

2 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 2:07 am }

Monet is truly one of my favorite artists and this exhibit sounds like it displays some of his finest work.

3 Juan Mendez { 12.18.09 at 7:13 pm }

I took a friend there on Valentines Day. It is a museum, and may seem nerdy, but you are right about suggesting that we visit the MoMA. There is so much creativity in that museum, and I like how the museum is constantly adding and changing its exhibitions.