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Blurb 4- Einstein’s Dream

blurb 4 einsteins dream

Einstein’s DreamEinsteinsDream

I went to see Einstein’s Dream at the Baruch Performing Arts center on Thursday, November 19. It is a show about Albert Einstein as a young scientist who is troubled by dreams as he works on his theory of relativity in 1905. The theater in which the performance took place was on the 23rd ST building. The play is not like the everyday story line that has a beginning and end. The play demonstrates the relationship each human being has to time, which affirms Einstein’s theory of relativity. The play was made up of individual scenes that didn’t necessarily flow with each other. The thread that connected the different scenes was the fact that all of them focused on relativity. That format seems plausible since dreams can often consist of parts that don’t relate to each other. What I specifically enjoyed was the fact that the audience was practically part of the stage. That in itself caused the experience to be more intimate.

The actors and actresses were phenomenal. It’s amazing how even though the cast had such a short time to prepare they looked so professional. Their facial expressions and movements were distinct. They projected their voices not too loudly nor too softly. The actors all wore white, which was the perfect contrast for an extremely dark room.  There were hardly any props except for one, long white sheet. The fact that there were minimal props made the play more engaging. The sheet was used in so many different ways. It was used as a blanket, as a screen for the projector, as a rope, and much more. The actors used their bodies as props for whatever the sheet couldn’t become. For example, in one scene one of the actors was the moving boat. He had two actors sitting on either end of him as if they were rowing the boat. All in all, it was a unique and marvelous performance.


1 ploew { 12.08.09 at 12:15 pm }

This podcast is so fascinating! I have always thought of Einstein as a genius– never expecting that Baruch would make a performance out of it! Also, the fact that the audience was part of the stage is so cool! This just goes to show that Baruch is also home to many good shows and is a true powerhouse of many various art forms.

2 Tiffany Wong { 12.08.09 at 3:45 pm }

I heard about this performance but didn’t have time to go. I agree with Philip- it’s so creative that they were able to make the audience part of the stage. I should really go to more of Baruch’s performances!

3 Jessica Lam { 12.08.09 at 8:22 pm }

I read the book before! Too bad I didn’t get to go the performance :(. I really want to go after viewing your podcast. I can’t imagine how people did a performance based on that book since it’s all about time, and there isn’t really like scenes.

4 Muhammad Javed { 12.08.09 at 8:40 pm }

Wow, fascinating. I’ve always been interested in Modern Physics and Einstein. I have seen the tremendous amount of posters (which are still hanging after a month) and eagerly wanted to see it, but I couldn’t. I can tell that it was definitely worth it. I’m going to try out the book, lets see how it is…

5 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 2:00 am }

An ingenious show fitting for an ingenious man. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest and most brilliant (not to mention he was Jewish) Also saw the posters, but couldn’t make it. Hopefully Baruch hosts it again.

6 Juan Mendez { 12.18.09 at 6:50 pm }

Albert Einstein is my role model. I would have loved to see this performance, so from now on I will be more up to date on what is going on at Baruch. But on top of that, this reminded me of the last IDC event we went to. The two plays we saw, where the audience was basically part of the stage!!!! Incredible feeling, indeed.