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Final Blurb- The Unisphere


Walking along Fresh Meadows Corona Park, the leaves begin to blow in outrageous directions. There was something very magical about this place. However nothing is more magical than the giant Unisphere that hovers over the park. The Unisphere is a reminder of the 1964 World’s Fair. It’s a gargantuan structure over 12 stories high. It’s the largest representation of the globe that I have ever seen. When I walk next to the platform, almost directly under the Unisphere, I can see all the way to the North Pole. It is a magnificent view and it is hard to believe that something so beautiful resides in the small town of Queens. As I continue to walk around the Unisphere, I can see the skateboarders skating around the inner fountain, almost like it is a skateboarding rink. Joggers are profusely sweating as they try to finish their last lap. Even though winter is approaching, children are running and laughing in all directions. The Unisphere is a great piece of art and we are lucky it is in our vicinity. I recommend anyone in the Queens area to take a look at the Unisphere because it is so breath taking and exquisite.


1 Tiffany Wong { 12.08.09 at 8:33 pm }

The first time I saw the Unisphere, I must have thought the same thing you did. I remember always catching a glimpse at it when I go to Queens since the highway overlooks it. I like the whole atmosphere in which this oversized globe resides. It’s so peaceful, and seems like an excellent place to ride a bike.

2 ploew { 12.08.09 at 9:02 pm }

I really liked the background music and the narration! I hardly ever go to Queens but I have heard of the 1964 World’s Fair. Maybe I will visit there one day! Also, I love the interesting adjectives– gargantuan and profusely!

3 Joseph Han { 12.09.09 at 12:42 pm }

I always pass this place when I’m on the highway but I never really got to see it up close. You make it seem wonderful and maybe one day I would like to go and walk around.

4 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 12.12.09 at 1:31 pm }

I agree with the above comments and I like how you provided some historical background for why the Unisphere is there.

Why are your images squished?

5 Angela Wu { 12.12.09 at 7:35 pm }

They are squished because I tried to directly upload it to the blurb and that didn’t work because the pictures didn’t show =(

so I uploaded the podcast to youtube and youtube absolutely demolished my podcast. I was actually hoping that no one would notice, but it is a bit awkward. should I retry the uploading from itunes?

6 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 12.13.09 at 2:03 am }

You could try uploading it directly to the blog again and see if the images show up properly this time. But if it’s not possible to get it looking the way you wanted it then don’t pull your hair out over it (life is too short for hair-pulling).

7 Angela Wu { 12.13.09 at 6:50 pm }

yayyy it workedd and the images aren’t squished

8 wilsonjiang { 12.15.09 at 9:43 pm }

The Unisphere is such a landmark and serves as a historic marker. Whenever I’m on the Q58 on my way to Flushing, the bus always passes it. Whenever I look at it, I’m reminded of how small the world is despite its true size.