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Maroon 5 Concert :D


Carnesecca Hall was filled with many people that night. I saw many faces filled with excitement, as was I. We were all waiting for the band of the night to show: Maroon 5. I walked passed the many anxious fans to try and find a good seat and after walking around the whole hall, my friends and I found some towards the back. We waited a while before Maroon 5 introduced his opener, Fitz and the Tantrums They had a unique sound with lot of funk but I could see that the crowd was not really into him. I felt bad because the band was giving everything they had but the crowd just wasn’t giving back.

After the opening band was done, everybody was excited for the real concert to begin but we were surprised with a performance by Jason Segel, the comedic actor from How I Met You Mother and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. The crowd was warming up a lot more and by the time he was done, we were all ready for the main event. Maroon 5 came on with a bang. I was never really a big fan; I knew they were good but WOW. They were beyond good. They sang many of their popular songs but to my surprise, they played one that was very dear to my heart, “Through With You”. Yes I do enjoy all his other more popular songs but this unfamiliar tune was one of the first songs my friend taught me how to play on the guitar and I wouldn’t have guessed that they were going to play it that night. Another thing that shocked me was that he sang Alicia Keys’, “If I Ain’t You.” He definitely pulled it off. When the night was over, I must say that I became a bigger fan. I went home to download all of his songs. In the end I am really glad I that I got to go to this performance because it was truly a performance to be remembered.


1 Ariella Levian { 12.08.09 at 11:58 pm }

I am so jealous that you were able to watch Maroon 5 in concert I’ve always wanted to see them. Plus, I love Jason Segal so I really wish I was there!!

2 Tiffany Wong { 12.09.09 at 12:02 am }

I completely agree! Maroon 5 really shocked me with their performance. As the night went on, they just continuously got more impressive. After their encore, I remember I stayed in my seat, hoping they would play one more song – I didn’t want the night to end.

3 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 1:55 am }

I have definitely made a comment on a Maroon 5 post before, but I love them so much it’s worth another one. Joe I must say you have some good taste in music. I’ll be sure to listen to them on “Sunday Morning”

4 Justin Koyithara { 12.09.09 at 2:52 am }

I hope everyone picked up on Adam’s “Sunday Morning” reference because I sure did. It’s one of their songs for those of you that didn’t know. I love Maroon 5 and used to be addicted to all of their songs and constantly have them on repeat. Your very lucky you got to go see them.

5 ploew { 12.10.09 at 12:31 pm }

Like I said to Tiffany, I am so jealous! Maroon 5 is an amazing band and their songs are indeed very catchy such as “She Will Be Loved” and “This Love.” Their songs have an interesting beat and I wish I can one day see them in person too!

6 wilsonjiang { 12.15.09 at 9:33 pm }

Maroon 5 is soooooo goooood. Words cannot describe them. I remember how you were telling me that they sound just as good live as in their recorded albums. I wish that I can see them someday live too.