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Blurb 4 – Central Park Zoo


The Central Park Zoo is filled with exotic and interesting animals in their natural habitats. Through this, we can observe them helping us learn more about the art of their environment and what helps them with their survival. Symphonies of bird chirping and squawking greet you from afar and when you get closer, you can hear each unique and individual sound with clarity. The birds vary in all different colors and patterns and are definitely a must see. Some looked majestic with the fur reflecting the sunlight. A ram and its baby lamb were so intimate with each other showing the protection of a parent over its offspring. The snake’s menacing hisses were ominous and their eyes looked like it was ready to attack its prey. I thought the polar bear was the most magnificent sight because it moved with such grace through the water. As you leave the zoo, you can still hear the sounds of nature ringing in your ears, truly capturing mother-nature at its best.


1 Tiffany Wong { 12.09.09 at 2:46 am }

I often get jealous of these animals – they never have to try to create art; it comes so naturally to them. The way the snake can curl its body in ways I can’t ever seem to trace out, and the chirping of the birds. I’ve been to the zoo many times before, but it never fails to amaze me. Your description of these animals, along with the pictures, really opened my senses though. At first I felt relaxed from the birds singing and the adorable lamb, but when I saw the picture of the snake, I nearly fell off my seat. I can’t wait until the next time I go to the zoo. Great job, Wilson!

2 ploew { 12.10.09 at 12:26 pm }

Although the zoo is not too big, it is in the heart of Central Park!! There are many cool animals, including the two polar bears I saw when I went. It is true the fur is really majestic looking with reflection from the sunlight. Also, if you walk around the zoo, you will also see nature and animals all around including squirrels too!

3 Ariella Levian { 12.10.09 at 10:52 pm }

The only zoo I’ve ever been to is the Bronx zoo but you definitely make the Central Park Zoo sound appealling. I would like to take my niece there sometime soon so she can experience all of these wonderful animals as you have!

4 Jessica Lam { 12.11.09 at 4:34 pm }

I haven’t been to central park zoo for so long, but your podcast made me want to go there again. I never knew they had a polar bear! I liked the music for your podcast, it really made me feel like I was there!

5 mkamenetskaya { 12.11.09 at 6:41 pm }

I have never been to the central park zoo but have always wanted to visit. I actually never realized that the zoo was this big, for some reason I assumed it would be just a few animals; but from your video I could see that it actually hourse a very wide variety of animals. I will definitely be going to the zoo next time I am in central park.

6 Paula Danielle { 12.16.09 at 1:41 pm }

There’s something absolutely artistic about nature. It’s intrinsic, and I think that is where almost all art is really taken from, because it’s so simple and beautiful. The great thing about the central park zoo is it is just so huge and has so many animals 🙂

7 vivianlo { 12.17.09 at 6:19 pm }

i didnt know the central park zoo had such a large variety of animals!!! sounds like fun!!

8 Juan Mendez { 12.18.09 at 6:26 pm }

Nature = Art. Enough said. And your photos along with the different sounds you used showed how art is created by these animals. You did a great job yourself of capturing mother nature at its best.

I find it funny that the polar bear moves so gracefully and looks so beautiful under the water. Yet that cute, and pretty white bear is a beast waiting to devour its prey. =\

9 lhaviv { 12.18.09 at 7:07 pm }

I love the central park zoo!! I go there at least once a year. Every year I am amazed again and again. I think animals are fascinating. My favorite in the central park zoo are the Polar bears as well! It’s amazing to see that they exist in this magnificent but polluted city. Awesome podcast=)