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Final Blurb – Bryant Park

*pictures taken from internet


1 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 1:57 am }

I was just at Bryant Park last Thursday for some ice skating, something I hadn’t done for at least two years prior to that. The park itself is gorgeous and one of New York City’s finest.

2 Tiffany Wong { 12.09.09 at 3:54 am }

I’m glad so many people are starting to blog about the holiday season. I haven’t been able to even begin thinking about the holidays with finals coming up next week, but with podcasts like yours, I just can’t wait!

3 Justin Koyithara { 12.09.09 at 4:59 am }

I was there last year with my cousins to go ice skating. The line was pretty long but it was definitely worth it. It was amazing to ice skate but also the atmosphere you are surrounded in, with the lights and decorations, was amazing

4 dlin { 12.10.09 at 1:43 am }

The background music
Winter Wonderland again?!!
You must love that song~~!!!!
But it does fit the topic

5 Jessica Lam { 12.11.09 at 4:25 pm }

I love your podcast :). It’s so nice. I will be iceskating in the winter too :).

6 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 12.12.09 at 1:25 pm }

Vivian, I really enjoyed listening to your narration. Your voice has sort of an ethereal and playful quality that creates a relaxing and intimate atmosphere.

7 wilsonjiang { 12.15.09 at 9:45 pm }

Bryant Park is definitely a must-go for the holiday season and generally, all year round. It is always festive and live with people and vendors. I remember during the Summer, I went there to see a movie and there were just tons of people setting up blankets 3 hours before the movie started, sitting around and catching up with each other.

8 ploew { 12.16.09 at 8:18 pm }

Wow! I am ashamed to say that I have always on to Rockefeller Center to skate and visit but I have never been to Bryant Park. I know they have fashion shows there but I never knew about the many small shops. What I found fascinating was the four leaf clover necklace. I have never seen a four leaf clover but maybe one day I will too!

9 Juan Mendez { 12.18.09 at 6:21 pm }

I still have not gone to Bryant Park this winter. But I have gone ice skating there ever year at least once since I was a freshman in high School. It feels very homey (home like) and comfortable with cheerful people all around. You did a great job at describing the entire park during this holiday time, with a great choice of song. It only makes me want to go there right now.. instead of studying.