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Winter Wonderland


1 Ariella Levian { 12.10.09 at 10:47 pm }

I also love the city this time of year! It’s absolutely beautiful and festive all around. The snowflake festival seems awesome too. I can’t believe they use 72,000 LED lights for it! That’s really magnificent and truly something none of us should miss!

2 Tiffany Wong { 12.11.09 at 2:38 am }

Most people are so consumed by the exquisite Christmas tree that they hardly take the time to appreciate the snowflake spectacle. I completely agree with you – NYC truly makes the holidays magical with all its lights and decorations.

3 Jessica Lam { 12.11.09 at 4:27 pm }

It’s so pretty! I want to go see the snowflakes. I wish it would also snow in NYC though!

4 Angela Wu { 12.11.09 at 10:25 pm }

The tree is beautiful, and it was always a tradition for my friends and I to see it every year. I love the holiday time of the year!!
After finals, I definitely want to cheer up and see the tree again!

5 ploew { 12.12.09 at 2:31 am }

72,000 LED lights?!!?!? I have never seen this Snowflakes Spectacles at Saks partly because I tend to do my Christmas shopping one week before Christmas to (avoid) the crowds! However, this sounds fascinating and the city is truly beautiful, especially when it is all lit up!

6 vivianlo { 12.12.09 at 11:11 pm }

Wowww I’ve never seen the Snowflake show but will definitely go and see it after watching your blurb!

7 sjiang { 12.13.09 at 1:22 pm }

I love the background music. Sounds like one of those background music from Rockefeller Center Ice skating Rink. My family and I go and see the christmas tree every year on christmas eve! Definitely somewhere very exciting and enjoyable to spend one’s time.

8 wilsonjiang { 12.15.09 at 9:21 pm }

I don’t ever remember seeing these snowflakes. I will definitely pay a visit to the Rockefeller Center this year to see this magnificent display of snowflakes. To think that it took 5000 hours to create the 50 different designed snowflakes is just astounding because we really just take them for granted.

9 Paula Danielle { 12.16.09 at 1:40 pm }

Christmas is absolutely my favorite time of the year! I love how the city represents the holidays with so much decoration and hubub! I hope I get the chance to see the snowflakes at the Rockefeller center this year!

10 shussain { 12.16.09 at 2:31 pm }

I love the snowflake spectacle! Its like a whole show on the street. Your pictures are wonderful!