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Blurb 4: Japanese popping

It was one of the Sexy Sunday events hosted in Peachfrog store. Yes, I went again. they have it almost every Sunday now, free food, free beer, and free performance.This was actually the second time that I saw this Japanese dance group came to perform here. But it still amazed me. It was not a huge space, not a big audience—the storeowner had to move the cloths to clear up a stage. But it was so intimate and everyday that both the artists and the audience loved it. Bands, singers, and dancers who had performed here always come back. So the Japanese cute guys came back for the second time and I was there every week.
So, check this out!


1 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 12.10.09 at 10:49 am }

Daxin, your video is marked “private” so we can’t see it – you have to change the setting in YouTube.

2 dlin { 12.12.09 at 2:15 am }

I just fixed it
Hope you enjoy

3 ploew { 12.12.09 at 2:26 am }

Daxin, I love your use of technology in this video! Also, I liked how you said despite not speaking English, these dances use their dance skills as a form of communication. This goes to show even dance is indeed art! Also, I remember from our very time at those many freshman orientation meet and greet when I was in your group and we had to introduced yourself. You told us you like to dance too and popping was an interest of yours. It is fascinating how you also enjoy the art of “popping.”

4 Tiffany Wong { 12.12.09 at 3:14 am }

Wow. Customers as models and now Japanese dancers? This store seems really exotic and interesting. I also love how passionate you feel about this whole event/ store – it really shows. I wonder, though. Have you ever bought anything from Peachfrog?

5 dlin { 12.12.09 at 11:14 am }


Of course I did! I go there every Sunday and I buy something every week. This store is named the “Therapy for Overspending” by New York Times. But so far I’ve already spend half of my monthly salary on it.

6 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 12.12.09 at 1:12 pm }

OK I see it now! I love the mash-up of cultural influences – obviously there is hip-hop influence from African American dance and music culture, which is then re-interpreted by these Japanese performers (with dreadlocks!).

As a person who knows, well, nothing about popping (apart from thinking it looks amazing), I wonder if you could help me understand the difference between popping, breaking, etc.?

7 Angela Wu { 12.12.09 at 7:34 pm }

The store actually looks really small– like one of those not well known places that store loads of talent and fashion and design. I’m actually not quite sure what a peachfrog store is…

8 dlin { 12.13.09 at 2:14 am }


I am actually not an expert in street dance but I’ve attended some classes and danced in a group a few years ago. So here are some of the things that I learned:
There are few categories such as breaking, popping, locking, hip-hop, new Jazz… (I only know these five)

Breaking–break dance: we call the dancers B-Boys or B-Girls (normally wear their pocket inside out :). It requires lots of strength and lots of floor movements. Some examples are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tlqJhShjGw

Popping–it looks like they are robartic but they are very flexible. Some examples are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HkFK_wTss0

Locking–I started as a locker (usually wear a hat) , as most girls would–because it’s easier on the body, requires less strength but focus on rhythm–some examples are here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvCpzZwXq38–these moves are classic locking moves

Oh, I am so tired of typing~~
You know what Hip-hop and new Jazz are right?
That’s that much I know. Hope you enjoy

9 sjiang { 12.13.09 at 1:24 pm }

I love it! i love watching people dance. Just so amazing!

10 wilsonjiang { 12.15.09 at 9:26 pm }

I like how you said that they communicated with us through their dancing, not spoken language. To have just arrived in the U.S., these people are immediately showing off their amazing talent, bringing culture from Japan to NYC.

11 Paula Danielle { 12.16.09 at 1:38 pm }

This sounds like an absolutely great experience! I should go some Sunday night to join in! 🙂