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creative work #4 – cumulative

ahhhh creative work round-up!


#2. Untitled Slam Poetry


#4. I looked at these three pieces with a handful of friends of mine and asked them if they saw a common thread in them. Most of them didnt, or grasped for straws, saying that they all represent “me” or something…In the end, though, I guess that’s true. All three of them are deeply personal to me, even if they seem a little silly or funny on the surface. In the first project, I felt like I was reaching out and trying to know more people – literally, to know more people on the Earth than I already do. It scares me (and excites me) how many people exist that I will never, ever encounter, and by spending hours outside talking to strangers in a positive way, exchanging names and emails and photos, I felt a little more at ease with this idea. In the second project, I tried to put my thoughts down on paper about what’s probably the most difficult thing I’m dealing with nowadays – my relationship and my parent(s) (but mostly singular), like a lot of other teenagers. It felt good to write it, but it was difficult to share. Still, I’m glad I did so. Sharing it, at all, makes it easier to deal with. In the third project, I tried to be more light-hearted. I combined footage of things that really matter to me and put them to a song that I know well. I think if I had to pick a weakness of my three pieces, it would be the fact that the first two had one single topic, each, whereas this one is more scattered. Sometimes I feel like that, myself, so I think it might have been a little bit of channeling going on, but I would have also liked to have had three separate, singular topics in my three pieces. I loved this project, as a whole. It felt good to make one piece of art with two future pieces of art in mind, etc., etc.


1 ploew { 12.16.09 at 8:30 pm }

I just wanted to know when you are meeting random people again in the spring. You are really talented and all your works are really well done! I would love to continue seeing you make podcasts and videos!

2 sjiang { 12.17.09 at 10:19 pm }

I loveeeeee your work! When you were presenting in class, I was like WOW. Deep down, I was thinking whether I would have the courage to do something like what you did. It is really cool. Please promise that you’ll post your spring project on this blog so we can enjoy the moments too!