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Creative Work 4 – Love’s Lullaby

The first creative work that I put together was actually something that was close to my heart – the inspiration being from childhood arts and crafts that I’d always loved so much, and my childhood dream of being an “actor, singer, or a crayon artist.” So in that design I created a piece of art with crayons and construction paper, something that I could really love. And for our second piece, the moment I started writing I found myself writing more and more until I had twenty pages of poetry that I couldn’t believe. The Rainstorm piece that I composed for the piano was also imagined in almost an instant, and I contribute all of the ease of the works of art because I had some inspiration to help me through it. Even though my weakest point is creating, it was easy for me to transfer a theme or style into a different medium, because it was almost a continuation of someone else’s art.
Finding that I was able to work through other people’s art better than creating my own out of nothing, I realized that nothing is created without doing this. The first creators must have had something to inspire them, even if it was just the people around them, and they continued their art in their own medium, in story or in song or visual art. That does not make any art less important, because it shows that every artist has his muse – has his inspiration for creation.
Seeing other students’ art in our class, I was able to see the incredible talents that were hiding out. While some people could sing, others could draw very well and some were incredibly talented at putting together digital pieces of art. Seeing all of these opened my eyes not only to the talent available, but the way that all of these talents could be used. For the visual work, Anna-Sofiya created a pop-up book. This is not the type of art I would have automatically expected, but all of the incredibly talented people in our class came up with very original ways to display their talents through these works.
If there is one thing that I can take from this class, it is to look at everything from an artistic eye. Everything can be considered beautiful, and everything that is beautiful can be art. Every artist hopes that what they create will incite some strong emotion in the viewer, and it is our job to be open to that emotion and appreciate the work for the love that the artist had for it.


1 Tiffany Wong { 12.16.09 at 10:28 pm }

I never thought about it this way either, but I agree with you that all artworks must have had some sort of inspiration. I’m glad this class allowed everyone to reveal their hidden talents, including yours – I still find it amazing that you composed that piece. I wasn’t really able to see this final video while you presented in class, but it is truly something! All of your pieces went so well together and I must say, I quite enjoyed this collaboration. 🙂

2 ploew { 12.16.09 at 11:55 pm }

Like Zoe said, your voice is very soothing and entertaining at the same time! You are an awesome artist and your pieces were wonderful! I particularly liked the song in the background with the various tempos and dynamics! I am glad we got to work together for the Wiki page!

3 Juan Mendez { 12.17.09 at 2:18 pm }

“Every artist has his muse,” and the last sentence, “It is our job to…” are a great way to finish of this term. Adam did a good job at saying the last words, but I feel like your piece encompasses the range of our work and lessons learned in IDC. I knew I could not draw, or sing, but I also felt inspired by the creativity shown in our classroom, and the various events we attended. I hope we keep in touch, I also love construction paper and crayons.

4 sjiang { 12.17.09 at 10:12 pm }

I remember you said you were going to narrate the video. I think it’s really good this way. The music and the words communicated the idea really well.

5 Muhammad Javed { 12.17.09 at 11:10 pm }

Beautifully said, beautifully composed, beautifully created. You work has an innocent essence to it which makes it so magical, so beautiful and so you. Keep it up!

6 lhaviv { 12.18.09 at 6:05 am }

I was speechless in class and now I am speechless for a second time. I am usually not speechless but WOW. Your creative works came together so well. The Love’s Lullaby really embodies the sentences. The piece is with all honesty incredible. Also, the colors that were portrayed in your video caused me to take a deep breathe while watching it. You are extremely talented and I really look up to your work. I am sure we will keep in touch and see each other in Brooklyn.