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CW4 – The Final Piece


1 ploew { 12.16.09 at 8:25 pm }

I loved your video!!! When you went first, I was very intimidated because it was so good! I really liked how you tied in all your works– especially the Star War theme at the end with your second creative work. What also made this podcast so enjoyable was the pictures of yourself and your life as a lacrosse player– it was not only effective but also something very personal that added to this splendid video.

2 Tiffany Wong { 12.16.09 at 9:55 pm }

In a way, you made me feel connected with this video. I started to remember my team in high school, and how much I truly miss it. You said you wanted to slow the essay part down, but I think it’s perfect just the way it is. Once it started and I saw “Hey stupid!” and “noobies,” I immediately remembered the day you read it to us. Thank you for putting your pieces of lacrosse up, and reminding me of all the tough, yet amazing times I had as a swimmer.

3 Juan Mendez { 12.17.09 at 10:02 pm }

I really enjoyed the star wars theme intro. I was able to quickly read some words, but I got the entire idea of your story. This creative work also gave me a different view of you as a sports person. It reminds me of Justin’s work, and I appreciate that you practiced lacrosse with your friend just to present it to us.

4 lhaviv { 12.18.09 at 5:23 am }

Your video was really moving. I loved how you said that the creative works themselves made you cling to lacrosse and not let those wonderful moments and memmories slip away. The best part is that now you have a portfolio of those memories you cherish and will probably be able to even show them to your kids. I don’t know why but I always find it astonishing to know that technically video footage in itself can live on. (… I am going on a tangent).. back to your video: 1. It was inspiring to be able to have a glimpse of your playing lacrosse. 2. I think i mentioned in one of your creative works that I would love to learn how to play. After your 4th creative work my appetite to learn grew 10 times. 3. I loved your background music in the video because you chose songs that really embodied your message. It really made the viewer feel your longing for the memories and game. I really enjoyed watching your creative work. Loved your video!

5 Jessica Lam { 12.18.09 at 4:33 pm }

I really enjoyed your video! It’s really nice how you put them together, and the music flows really well throughout the whole video. The pictures of the leaves were really beautiful. I felt like I was still in the autumn season instead of winter.