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Don Quixote replacement podcast- Fernando lopez


Located on 35th avenue and 37 Street NY is the Museum of moving images. This museum focuses on the evolution of moving images, including film, movies, and even video games. The museum shows how film had come to be as well as how it has evolved. From still frames to continuous recording, the history of moving images has developed greatly.  In the museum was a small room in which participants chose a movie selection first and then did a voice over. Also in the museum was another room in which a participant would stand in front of a green screen and add backgrounds. The museum had a whole section for video games which included old arcade systems such as Pacman, and other old game systems such as the Sega Dream cast, Nintendo game system, and even the first Playstation, of which all were active and functioning for others to try. The museum also included figurines and costumes from old movies and short videos of how certain movies were created. This Museum was very interactive and is now possibly my favorite museum that I have been to so far.

1 comment

1 ploew { 12.18.09 at 4:33 pm }

Fernando. this podcast is interesting because I have never heard or seen the Museum of Moving Images. It is cool how you can be in a room, record a voiceover as well as see so many cool things about film! However, I do not think there is a 35th avenue…did you mean 35th street?