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Final Creative Work

The last three creative works I did were a collage of Maya Angelou’s “ I know why the caged bird sings”, a poem I wrote about a homeless man playing the saxophone, and an abstract movie with only words of society’s affect on us. As I strived to find a connection to these three works many thoughts crossed my mind. One thought in particular I felt was appropriate. I came in being “completely incomplete” meaning that I lacked the artistic inspiration that everyone needs. I had to break through my “cage”, reject my preconceived notions and be more accepting of different forms of art.

Coming into this class I had no prior knowledge of what I had to do. After just a few classes I started realizing my closed mindedness in terms of the arts. My first piece, I know why the caged bird sings, was an unconscious call from me saying that I was ready to experience something new. I felt that I was caged to a certain ideal and needed new and unique inspiration to satisfy my artistic need.  My second poem was an emotional delineation of an extremely talented but homeless man that I see everyday. It was a unique inspiration for me because prior to this class I would not have looked at that man twice. The third piece was a realization and a blatant statement to reject the stereotypical boundaries that are made for us and to be more accepting.

I feel that as my creative works progressed they grew not only in quality, but also in the emotional input I associated with them. My mental understanding of art itself, expanded to places were I never would have thought. Coming into this my weaknesses were many. I was unfamiliar with the technology we were required to use and more importantly I had a very narrow view of art. As time progressed I eliminated my weaknesses and turned them strengths. I sought inspirations from everything a picture, music, spoken word ect.

What I took most from this class is how much I learned about others. Every week I was truly excited to see what my peers had posted on our blog. I learned things about my friends that I would have never learned otherwise in a different class. I appreciated having a little insight into everyone’s minds and being able to experience other views.

This video is a collaboration of my other creative works. In it you will see pictures of caged birds and saxophone players and parts of the video of my third creative work. The song I chose is “Someday” by Rob Thomas.


1 ploew { 12.16.09 at 8:28 pm }

I would like to say I not only comment because I want to comment more, but because I truly LOVED your video. I really liked one of your pictures in the video (the one before the word Hope where it looks like a deep hole in the middle of the street). Furthermore, I really liked when you explained in class about how you felt as though you were in a cage and was trapped thinking about what to do for your creative work. Your works truly manifested into art and with the right music, your works were very moving and inspirational!

2 Tiffany Wong { 12.16.09 at 9:48 pm }

First off – I really love this song. And your pieces are so touching. I love how this last piece turned out as well. Although, I’m sad that the music kind of overpowered your voice while you were presenting it. We’ve all come a long way. Great job. 🙂

3 Muhammad Javed { 12.17.09 at 11:47 pm }

Love this song too Tiffany,(although its my first time). I am glad you were able to break out of your cage and let your artistic soul soar. You choice of creation is amazing Sarah, all of it.