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Fernando Lopez Blurb 2: MoMA


Last Saturday, October third I went to the MoMA museum with my family. MoMA stands for Museum of Modern art. Modern art is defined as ‘any form of art from the late 19th to the mid 20th centuries.’ The MoMA Museum includes 2 cafes, a restaurant, 3 sub-level theaters (for film presentations), a sculpture garden and a sixth floor dedicated to special exhibits. The museum includes audio programs, interactive information Station, and a family room located on the fifth floor. Children, sixteen and younger, have free admission into the museum. Full-time Students with ID only have to pay $12. Adults pay $20 for admission. Finally, seniors, 65 and over with ID, only have to pay $16. These costs include the museum galleries, film programs, MoMA audio program, and P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center admission.
The two floors I spent most of my time in was the fifth and 3rd floor. The fifth floor was mainly about Paintings and sculptures. The Fourth floor was also dedicated to paintings and sculptures however, the fifth floor focused on paintings and sculptures from the 1880s to the 1940s. In this exhibit I saw a variety of paintings. I saw paintings by Emile Bernard (Iron Bridges at Asnieres), Marc Chagall (I am the Village), George-Pierre Seurat (Greencamp, Evening), and Bob Thompson. The exhibit also included the famous ‘The Starry Night,” by Vincent Van Gogh. One of my favorite paintings in the exhibit was “The Armored Train in Action,” by Gino Severini (St Mathew’s description of the end of the world). I liked the colors used as well as how the rifles in the artwork blend with the train. I just thought it was an interesting aspect of the artwork.
The third floor included drawings, photography, and architecture and design. When the elevator doors opened, these were the things I first saw. Moving further in, I saw a weird looking chair, a helicopter, some photographs, and some chromatic prints. A weird one being this, and a cool interesting one called “Animal” which reminded me of the playboy logo.
In the photographic exhibit of the museum, there was an exhibit that included numerous photographs and index cards each with the underlining scheme as to find a single person. The pictures showed what was going on during the search for someone. Unfortunately in this exhibit room there was a sign that said not cameras allowed so I couldn’t take a picture of it. On this floor I mostly enjoyed looking at the architectural models. I thought they looked cool and I wanted to get a closer look to see how each was made and using what kind of materials, but I couldn’t…there was a bar to prevent people from leaning too close.
In conclusion, the MoMA museum was fun to visit and I enjoyed admiring the artwork a lot. I was glad I got to share it with my family as well. AS a last note, P.S.1Contemporary Art center is the second largest nonprofit arts center in the US solely devoted to contemporary art. Present your MoMA ticket within 30 days of date on the ticket for free admission.