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Sidney Mishkin Art Gallery

So how many of you actually knew that Baruch College had its own art gallery? I recently made this discovery on Tuesday when I traveled into uncharted territory, also known as 22nd street, in search of food. As I ventured in and saw a familiar security guard with the familiar “Baruch ID required at all times” sign, I became a little curious as to what this part of Baruch, that I had never seen before, had to offer. After talking to the guard for a couple of minutes and looking on the Baruch website, I found out that this was the Sidney Mishkin Gallery. According to the website it is a small museum-like gallery on the ground floor of Baruch’s Administrative Center, which contains different exhibits throughout the year. Right now, and until October 14th is an exhibit called The Nature of Landscape/ The Nature of Photography. The website describes this exhibit as exploring “the many ways in which the photographer can alter, enlarge or transcend nature.” The whole gallery only consists of about forty pictures but the contents and styles of these photographs vary tremendously. A lot of them are black and white and include photography from some famous artists like Andy Warhol. The subjects vary from Stonehenge to crop circles to a couple of nude people in the city. With all of this amazing art here, I began to wonder why we traveled to Chelsea to see all different types of artwork when we have our own beautiful exhibit just a block away from the Vertical Campus.


1 Justin Koyithara { 10.07.09 at 2:14 am }

Sorry guys that it’s very monotone and nasal. I wasn’t feeling that great when i recorded this.

2 jwinfield { 10.08.09 at 11:55 pm }

I never knew about this museum! Your podcast makes me want to go to see this! It is also so convenient. You have to show me where this is. You do not sound nasal.