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Illustrated feature podcast-Brooklyn Museum

brooklyn museum story podcast


Fernando Lopez-Illustrated feature podcast
I know I have been to the Brooklyn museum of art before however I could not recall what I saw at the museum perhaps for the fact that it has been approximately 9 years since I’ve been to the Brooklyn museum of art, and so I decided to pay a visit to the museum with my family and to no surprise I didn’t even remember the building. To me it had some resemblance to the museum of natural history. I also thought that the building looked more like a library than a museum.
Upon entering the museum, immediately approaching the entrance of the museum you can see various statues through the glass entrance including The Burghers of Calais. When going further in to purchase admission it was clear how much the museum had upgraded itself with the installation of new technology such as the word display above the admissions desk in which my sister posed for the picture. Unfortunately, this was as much technology that I saw going further into the museum. The museum has 5 flours however when I was there with my family the fifth floor was closed.
I particularly enjoyed both the Asian and Indian and contemporary art floors. I saw lots of different artifacts on the second floor. What stood out the most from this floor was 2 tile pieces. The colors of both artifacts are what truly caught my eye. In was in a sense hypnotized by the color. One was a hexagonal tile, and the other was a panel of tiles. I love the design on both ceramics as well as the shade of blue used. I also saw a molded tile piece, which looked very interesting to me.
On the third floor, I saw many European paintings. I particularly enjoyed admiring the landscape paintings and wanted to get closer, but was restricted to do so by bars. Paintings by Claude Monet were viewable as well. Including his painting ‘House of Parliament.” Also on the third floor was an Egyptian exhibit. I saw lots of jewelry and sculptures. While in this exhibit I also noticed other people from a program in the museum drawing different pieces of the exhibit. This was new for me and I didn’t recognize it.
The fourth floor, the contemporary art floor was one of my favorite floors. Immediately getting off the elevator my family and I were in awe as we saw beautiful glass stained windows. We even saw two other strange structures made of glass. Also on this floor was a rather peculiar piece of work in which had a mirror with two people in the mirror it seems. The two people in the piece are facing inward and the viewer is only able to see their head and side of their face. I thought this piece was particularly interesting because as I look into the mirror, though I faced the same direction as the people in the mirror, I could see my reflection as I would normally. The trick for me to appear the same way in the mirror as the people in it was for me to turn my back. The problem with this is that I can’t see myself to verify; so I had my mom take a picture to prove my point. I had a little fun explaining this to my brother and sister.
In all I had a fun time going to the museum with my family. I haven’t been there in a long time and so it felt good to see how it looks. Having my family with me is what made it fun, though we went at an early time in which I was tired and that we had a busy day scheduled. The museum had felt new for me. Though the museum was not exactly what I expected and I had no real interest in some of the works displayed in the museum, there were still some highlights in which I enjoyed such as the stain glass paintings and the blue tiles.