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Blurb 2 – Shake Shack


1 Jessica Lam { 10.29.09 at 5:34 pm }

The burgers look so good in your podcast! I have never been to the shake shack because the lines are always so long, but I want to try now. I never knew that much about the shake shack. Your podcast was really informative.

2 sjiang { 10.30.09 at 11:33 am }

I LOVE THE SONG.. It fits in with shake shack! .. because the shake shack that I went to was the one in Mets stadium… so yea… your song and the burger actually made me have a flashback…. 😀

3 shussain { 11.01.09 at 10:37 pm }

I agree the lines are ridiculously long all the time. Your podcast explains exactly why.

4 mkamenetskaya { 11.07.09 at 5:55 pm }

I have always wanted to try one of those burgers but am way too lazy to stand in line. After watching this I am definitely going to force myself to wait it out to try to that burger (which looks amazing!!!). By the way, I love your pictures; a nice personal touch! =]