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Fine Taste of Israeli Culture – Blurb 3

A trip to University Pita satisfies not only a raging hunger, but also the thirst for Israeli art and culture.


1 Zoe Sheehan Saldana { 11.17.09 at 5:33 pm }

Adam, un-private your video so that we can see it!

2 shussain { 11.18.09 at 10:48 pm }

Even though yours had practically EVERYTHING on it,I love shwarma. Funny video

3 Adam Hashemi { 11.22.09 at 5:37 pm }

my bad guys the video has officially been made un-private

4 Anna-Sofiya Lupolover { 11.29.09 at 5:30 pm }

Adam, this video is hilariously awesome. But, I actually can’t believe that you paid for a meal.

5 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 2:24 am }

Thank you Anna you are just so kind and thoughtful